Bandung Residents Healthy Breakfast at Army Headquarters
Bandung, Thousands of citizens of Bandung City compact raised a paper cup containing nutritious cereal powder in each hand, then simultaneously drink it. The presence of yellow shirt residents of this age range to participate in healthy breakfast activities. National campaign event entitled 'Healthy Breakfast Before Hour 9' initiated by Energen Mayora Nutrition was held at the army headquarters or precisely the Military Area Transportation Area (Hubdam) III / Siliwangi at Tegalega area, Mochamad Toha Road, Bandung City, West Java, Sunday (5/3/2017). The celebration of 'National Breakfast Week 2017' was supported by a number of parties including Indonesian Doctor Association (IDI), Food and Nutrition Association of Indonesia, and Bandung City Government. Through this national campaign, our hope is that all people become aware of the importance of healthy breakfast before nine o'clock in the morning, said Goesnawan, Marketing Director of PT Mayora Indah as producer of Energen, when giving information on the location of the event. He explained, similar event has been going on since 2015 ago. Tracking 2017, it remains committed and consistently rolling out healthy breakfast campaign for the people of Indonesia in 28 cities with the number of participants around 200 people, from Sabang to Merauke. We aim to educate and invite the people of Indonesia to make good efforts to observe the nutritional breakfast. So healthy eating habits can build a healthy, intelligent and active generation, Goesnawan said. General Chairman of Indonesian Food Nutrition Hardinsyah reminds people, especially early child, about the importance of getting breakfast before malakoni activity. It is expected that a healthy breakfast is applied in every family environment and become a lifestyle every morning. We are glad that the government and the business world are willing to participate in developing and educating the importance of healthy breakfasts, Hardinsyah said.
Photo: Baban / detikHealth
Also read: This is what happens to the body when you intentionally do not have breakfast. Furthermore, he explained, the campaign of 'Healthy Breakfast Before Hour 9' is an effort to support Minister of Health Regulation No. 41 of 2014 on Balanced Nutrition Guidelines which in the 6th message of ' Breakfast'. Of course, continued Hardinsyah, a healthy breakfast should take into account the balance and composition of the right nutrition and safeThe healthy there is food and drink. The composition of a healthy breakfast should contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals and water that can meet a quarter of daily nutritional needs, Hardinsyah said. IDI Representative, Ulul Albab, appreciates the healthy breakfast campaign activities. He hopes education and information about healthy breakfast continues to be done to the wider community.Biasakan breakfast. Healthy breakfast must be with the correct composition that contains enough nutrients that can provide energy, said Ulul.Pemkot Bandung fully supports the movement 'Healthy Breakfast Before Clock 9' which carried Energen. Just to be known, in 2015 then the city of Bandung won the Healthy City of the Ministry of Health RI.Untuk achieve healthy quality, it needs healthy nutrition, said Secretary of Bandung Yossi Irianto.Dalam healthy breakfast campaign in Hubdam III / Siliwangi Field, come in droves. Children and adults to the elderly mingle to eat a healthy breakfast and other activities such as a healthy walk and gymnastics. This event is enlivened by a music performances featuring singers Anji, ex band Drive, as well as other entertainment events.Read also: Want to Have a Slim Body? Be diligent to get up Morning (bbn / up)
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